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Sacred Taste

Ceremony - Ceremonial Criollo Solid Cacao

Ceremony - Ceremonial Criollo Solid Cacao

Regular price $45.00 AUD
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Made with 100% Pure Ceremonial Grade Heirloom Criollo Cacao Mass.

Deepen your spiritual experience and enhance your wellbeing with the Sacred Taste Ceremonial Grade Cacao. Their cacao is crafted with love, gratitude, and blessings that helps you calm the mind, relax the nervous system and open your heart to the medicine of Cacao.

  • 100% Organic Ingredients
  • Refined Sugar Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Preservative Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Vegan

Thoughtfully presented in its natural, chunky solid state, with its essential fats intact, use Sacred Ceremony as part of your spiritual practice to improve wellbeing, enhance intuition and deepen your connection to Self, Spirit & Mother Nature!

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  • Cruelty Free Beauty - Wild & Cruelty Free Australia
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Learn more about 'Ceremony' Ceremonial Cacao...

How To Use

Time: 5 minutes Serves: 1

This Sacred Cacao Ceremony drink recipe can be adapted to suit your intention. Include in your practice to improve health, elevate mood, enhance cognitive function and deepen in connection with nature.


  • 1-4 heaped tablespoons of Ceremonial Grade Cacao (10-40g)
  • 250ml of filtered water
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper (if desired)
  • Coconut sugar or organic sweetener (if desired)


  1. Add the ingredients into a saucepan
  2. Warm gently on low heat, whisking until it becomes smooth
  3. Feel free to add an intention, sing to your cacao or dance
  4. Pour into your favourite vessel and begin your ceremony


  • Beginners start with 1 tablespoon of Cacao and work your way up
  • To preserve the benefits, heat the cacao until just melted and warm, not hot!

How to have a Ceremony:

  1. Find a quiet place
  2. Sit in a comfortable position
  3. Relax and take three deep breaths
  4. Hold your Ceremonial Cacao drink to your heart and connect 
  5. Set your intention
  6. Sip your drink mindfully with this intention 
  7. Play music, meditate or move for as long as feels good
  8. Take some time to journal 
  9. Offer gratitude

What is the difference between Ceremonial Cacao and Raw Cacao?

Ceremonial cacao is grown and prepared with intention and ritual by indigenous communities who have been using cacao for spiritual purposes for thousands of years. It is traditionally consumed in a ceremonial setting, such as a traditional cacao ceremony, to connect with the spirit of the cacao and to facilitate deep healing and inner exploration.

Raw cacao, on the other hand, is typically consumed for its high nutrient content and culinary versatility. It can be used in a variety of recipes, from smoothies to desserts, and is known for its rich flavour and health benefits. While raw cacao can certainly be used in ceremonial contexts, it is not specifically grown or prepared with the same level of intention and ritual as ceremonial cacao. At Sacred Taste, we believe that ceremonial cacao and raw cacao are two distinct forms of cacao with different purposes and energies.

Ceremonial cacao is specifically grown, harvested, and prepared for use in sacred cacao ceremonies, while raw cacao is typically consumed for its nutritional and culinary benefits.

Can I drink Ceremonial Cacao everyday?

We believe the consumption of ceremonial cacao holds a special place. While it is possible to drink ceremonial cacao every day, it is essential to approach this practice with mindfulness and reverence. We advise on drinking your ceremonial grade cacao on special occasions, in a ritualistic practice or in sacred ceremony.

What are the benefits of Cacao?

  • Calms the mind - Cacao contains Magnesium and other compounds that help relax the nervous system, decreasing stress levels and inducing a blissful state.
  • Elevates the mood - The production of endorphins from cacao consumption can enhance mood and promote a sense of happiness and well-being.
  • Enhances focus and productivity - Cacao contains Theobromine, a caffein like substance that helps increase blood flow to the brain to mental clarity, memory and focus.
  • Relaxes the nervous system - Cacao contains several powerful antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, that are known to protect the brain from oxidative stress.
  • Deepens connection - Cacao has been used in spiritual and ceremonial practices for centuries to connect with higher spiritual energies.
  • Provides sustainable energy - Theobromine, a caffeine-like compound found in cacao, can boost energy levels without the jitters associated with caffeine.

Is Sacred Taste Cacao ethically sourced?

Sacred Taste prides themselves in sourcing cacao ethically and sustainably.

From seed to serve and belly to bin, Sacred Taste ensures their cacao improves the lives of everyone it touches. Cultivated in the heart of the Amazon basin by one of the oldest tribes still living in the jungle today, Sacred Taste support the Ashaninka tribes in cultivating only the finest, heirloom criollo cacao beans that are ethically sourced and regeneratively grown so everyone can enjoy.


Made with 100% Pure Ceremonial Grade Heirloom Criollo Cacao Mass, gratitude and blessings!


250g | 25 Serves

Packaging & Sustainability

Cardboard Food Grade Cylinder with Air-Tight Metal Lid and Base. Designed to be reused and repurposed.


Made in Melbourne, Australia from ethically sourced imported ingredients.

Cultivated in the heart of the Amazon basin by one of the oldest tribes still living in the jungle today, the Ashaninka, Sacred Taste Cacao goes beyond organic as it is grown ethically and regeneratively in the wild under the first canopy using traditional methods and agro-forestry systems

"The Sacred Taste Ceremony Cacao is deliciously smooth and its healing properties relax my mind and deepen my connection to self and nature. It is a must in my ritualistic practices, especially around the new and full moon."


  • Sacred Taste 'Ceremony' Ceremonial Criollo Solid Cacao Australia

    About Sacred Taste

    Sacred Taste is a premium cacao company that is dedicated to crafting the finest quality, wild-crafted, ethically sourced, sustainably made, regenerative cacao.

    Their ethos is centred around the belief that cacao is not just a delicious treat, but a sacred superfood that has the power to bring people together and nourish the soul. They dream of a world where cacao is appreciated as a sacred food, valued for its unique taste, medicinal properties and its ability to bring joy and happiness to all who consume it.

    Sacred Taste believes that Mother Earth is the most Sacred of all. Earth gives us oxygen to breathe, water to drink, food for us to eat and a place to call home. It’s their mission to preserve the land and protect the culture from where our cacao comes from, whilst helping people reconnect to the planet and their purpose through remembering what is Sacred.

    From seed to serve and belly to bin, we’ve ensured that our cacao improves the lives of everyone it touches. We support the Ashaninka tribes in cultivating only the finest, heirloom criollo cacao beans that are ethically sourced andregeneratively grown so everyone can enjoy.

    Known as the heart-opening medicine of the world, cacao has the power to transform our lives and the lives of others by dropping us out of our head and into our heart and taking us from a fear based mentality to a love based reality.

  • Dan Koch founder of Sacred Taste Ceremonial Grade Criollo Cacao Australia

    Meet The Founder

    DJ turned adventureprenuer, Dan Koch spent his early years featuring on the lineups of some of the biggest trance events and festivals in Australia.

    Finding the scene too toxic with drugs and alcohol, Dan left the industry at the height of his career to pursue a more holistic lifestyle. After doing three years sobriety with Cacao as his only substitute, Dan discovered a new way to party and celebrate life, without compromising his health or the experience.

    In August 2019, Dan travelled to South America in search of the origins of cacao. It was his mission to go straight to source and discover exactly where cacao comes from, how it is made and the impact it has on the local people and environment.

    After spending weeks travelling through the high and lowlands of Peru, his journey led him into the centre of the Amazon basin and to the birthplace of cacao. After a 16 hour bus ride and 7 hour canoe ride, he reached the heart of the Amazon basin where he met with the oldest Indigenous tribes in South America, the Ashaninka. Here, he discovered the importance of cacao, the essence of its spirit and learnt about the Ashaninka way of life.

    Now, five years on, he has founded Sacred Taste and is turning the party industry on its head, throwing drug and alcohol free Cacao parties that are good for the planet and the people, where every drink sold and each pack purchased, protects an acre of Indigenous Lands in the Amazon Rainforest from where their Cacao comes from.