Collection: Ceremonial Grade Drinking Cacao

Cacao is the raw form of chocolate. Originating in the tropical rainforests of South America, Theobroma Cacao comes in many forms such as mass, nibs, butter and powder and is the raw ingredient for what is commonly known as chocolate.

Criollo cacao is one of three main strains of cacao and is considered the rarest and most prized of them all, due to its original nature, complex flavour, biological effect and aroma.

For the Ashaninka people, Criollo cacao holds deep cultural and spiritual significance. They view it as a sacred plant that has been used in their ceremonial practices and daily lives for centuries.

Furthermore, the cultivation and preservation of Criollo cacao plays a crucial role in protecting the biodiversity of cacao and maintaining the ecological balance of the rainforest. As the rainforest is being increasingly threatened by deforestation, the preservation of Criollo cacao is essential to protect the livelihoods of local farmers and ensure the continued health and well-being of the environment.

Revered by the ancient Mayans as “Food of the Gods” Cacao has been considered Sacred for thousands of years. Traditionally used in Sacred Ceremony as a spirit bridge to connect to other realms, today we use it in daily practice to improve health, elevate mood, enhance cognitive function and deepen our connection with ourselves, spirit and Mother Nature.

Sacred Taste Ceremonial Grade Raw Cacao